8 thoughts on “It Is to Laugh

  1. Yes, you get all of those yuck’s, along with the best news coverage outside of MSNBC in the evenings, and on weekend mornings.

    And did anyone watch David Gregory outdo even his usual platinum-level douche-iness this past Sunday?

    E. J. Dionne, time to stick your head out of the DC bubble!
    You and Nooners don’t speak for all Catholics. You speak to the rich and entitled ones on your cocktail circuit.
    Just because the Bishops and Cardinals got their man-titties in an uproar, doesn’t mean they need you two to join in their chorus. They do just fine on their own.

    Besides, 98% of Catholic women used some form of birth control over the course of their lives – and the other 2%, like Peggy’s Mom, wished that they had.

  2. “Besides, 98% of Catholic women used some form of birth control over the course of their lives – and the other 2%, like Peggy’s Mom, wished that they had”
    You got that right.

    Didn’t JFK have to promise all the evangelicals that he wouldn’t take orders from the pope? No these same f#cks want our president to do as the “church” says?

  3. Now, now, boys;
    Peggy is beautiful, and I’ll bet she was a beautiful child.
    She’s just a bit “confused”.

  4. I just finished watching the Jon Stewart clip.
    He’s a hoot, and he ‘splained the situation very well.
    So, Obama will start a “war” on the Catholic Church?
    Will this include drone strikes on the Vatican and St. Patrick’s Cathedral?
    Hopefully he’ll just stick Newt in a corner with a dunce cap.

  5. Speaking of video – here’s Santorums latest anti-Romney ad.

    I can’t seem to copy the link to the actual video, just go to BJ’s and look for it.

    In it, a Romney look-alike is running around with a rifle, shooting what looks like ‘santorum’ (as Savage defined it) at pop-ups of Santorum.
    And remember, this is and ad FOR Santorum!
    How clue-free can you be?

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