
You’ve got to listen to this. You’ll love it. Via this guy:

Michael D. Higgins (who was elected president of Ireland last year) is fed up with over-the-top Tea Party rhetoric, and he isn’t afraid to show it. Listen to him call out radio host Michael Graham on everything from health care to foreign policy.

Elsewhere — more proof that rightie men are Neanderthals who know nothing about genuine masculinity. I swear, bagger men should wear bells so that normal women know not to date them.

26 thoughts on “Awesome

  1. OMG, that National Review article was so sexist, I thought I was back in 1950. Shades of King Henry the Eighth! Words fail me after reading that male chauvinistic slop. I need a shower to get the filth off me. Women need to organize en masse this election and vote out every one of those Republican sexist pigs up for election in Congress and re-elect Obama just as a statement that if they want to war against women, they are going to get it. And, to all the young women out there, you better gird your loins (so to speak) and fight against these neanderthals or you will lose all that has been gained by women of my generation during these past 60 years. If you lose these gains, your daughters will have it even worse. You all will be back to being just baby-making vessels.

  2. You go, Bonnie!!!

    I took Williamson’s article a little differently.
    Jayzoos H. Keerist in assless leather chaps – I think that boy’s in deep, deep, man-love with Mitt.

    And you have to love what he wrote about the President:
    “Professor Obama? Two daughters. May as well give the guy a cardigan. And fallopian tubes.”
    Dude, Mitt looks at you with his shoulders you could land a 747 on, and you’d start ovulating and lactating right away.
    And if Paul Ryan winked at him, ala you know who, he’d probably make Meg Ryan in “When Harry Met Sally” look frigid.

    I swear, with the way all of these Conservative male pundits are acting, this is going to be the gayest election ever.
    And these guys are anti-gay and homophobic?
    More like gay and ‘selfophobic!”
    I wish I had the contract for Handi-wipe concession stands outside the Men’s room at the Tampa Bay Convention Center!

    Come out of the closets, boys.
    Man love’s ok.
    Ignore politics for the next few months. Make yourselves a cosmopolitan or appletini, sit down, leaf through GQ until the underwear ads, and get your freaks on.
    It’s better than jerking-off the public with crap like this.

  3. Kevin Williamson did a superb job of giving Romney some political analingus. Romney should at least send him a box of chocolates or some flowers for that fine effort.

  4. Right on Bonnie! I didn’t make it all the way through the NRO article, the first page triggered my gag reflex. And…

    That video was great, even better with the accent.

    I am off to Oregon in a couple of hours, I’ve got a toxic build up of the rural South. Maybe, I can detox.

  5. bagger men should wear bells

    I’ve found that the bumper stickers on their cars are a fair warning. Also the fact that they still live with Mom at age 50.

  6. Professor Obama? Two daughters. May as well give the guy a cardigan. And fallopian tubes.

    Wow. That’s the opposition? They argue that having daughters and a small family is effeminate? Bonnie nailed it with the comparison to Henry VIII. What a blob.

  7. Hey Joan,
    I’m 54 – and I’m living again with my Mom.*
    You’d better watch your @$$!

    *Who else would have me? 🙂

  8. There was so much moose manure in that Nat’l Review article I mired down before I could finish it. Rich old men can afford to buy pick of the litter prostitutes for their own exclusive use. Period.

    Studies of lab rats indicate that more males than females are produced when the female rats are highly stressed. Makes sense to me. Being owned by someone like Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh would not be a match made in heaven.

    Michael Higgins is magnificent. Wow. Just. Wow.

  9. It looks more and more likely that Hurricane Isaac is going to affect the Republican National CONvention:

    Too bad it’s not a female Cat 5 one, not that I wish anyone any ill.

    I wonder if the Evangelicals will look upon this as some sort of sign of God’s disfavor?
    Probably not.
    But maybe if a few tornado’s from the hurricane picked up some toads, snakes, and alligators, and, after tearing off the roof, deposited them alive on the attendees.

    Now THAT would be cool.
    Might could even turn ME into a believer!!!

  10. Gulag – yes, but these guys never left. Surely not the same thing! Also, I bet you don’t have a pro-Rush bumper sticker, or one that references “Atlas Shrugged.”

  11. joan,
    No, I don’t.
    But don’t EVER lump me in the with the lumpenright in any way, or else you’ll need a new new hip! 🙂

  12. Gulag – in case of further offense, just break the old hip, then they’ll match.

    Uncledad – I was gonna say, “I learned a new word today!” Possibly twit filter will too?! Hope not; it’s an excellent phrase.

  13. In LA (the state), Rev. Grant Storm, a 55 year-old anti-gay minister, was convicted of masterbating in the broad daylignt next to a childrens park.

    I’m sure Jesus is ok with jerkin’ the gherkin near a park where children are playing, but hates the men who play around by sticking their pickle in another man.

    What happened Rev?
    Your wife parentally-controlled Nickelodeon?

  14. Higgins and I are on the same page.
    The crew I worked with this week is not, working class men who will vote against their best interest.
    I explained the other day thet the difference between the republican and democrat parties simple; the republicans want to make you a sub contractor; no benefits, no overtime, no paid vacation. The Democrats want to keep you as an employee ,have a shot at security as you age, and want basic health care for all. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but this is the basic truth.

  15. OK, starting with the fact that the perv’s name is “Grant Storm”… could that story get any better?

    btw, I’ve heard that if the wrath of Isaac does hit the GOP Convention, the strippers of Tampa anticipate losing a LOT of extra income. Those Repugs do love their strip clubs, hallelujah! Perhaps there’s some kind of insurance the strippers should have? Non-tidal surge-related erectile dysfunction coverage? I should research that.

  16. joan,
    “Non-tidal surge-related erectile dysfunction coverage? I should research that.”

    Try googling, “Maybe, Dick?”

  17. Rev. Grant Storm…Typical repugican

    Gulag…I normaly don’t point out spelling errors, but when you desecrate the spelling of the GOP’s most sacred ritual I think it should be brought to your attention.

  18. Master Fisherman Swami,
    How right “u” are!

    And to think, I misspelled the only thing I have in common with them!

  19. All well said, Mr Higgins. What baffles me about the matter of health care is that the initial urgency to change the system was that the present system would certainly bankrupt us in a matter of time. I hear no one mention that vital aspect any more–I only hear the clamour of Republicans to keep privilege and wealth in the hands of the few and to hell with the rest of us. If we must do something to avoid the economic pits let’s make it something to help those who need it the most.

  20. I swear, bagger men should wear bells so that normal women know not to date them.

    I think the American flag lapel pins are already sufficient.Even the Holy Bible agrees with me.

    “Ye shall know them by their lapel pin”

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