Inhofe: Tornadoes and Hurricanes Are Different

Like, hurricanes are wet and stuff. And they don’t strike Oklahoma.

Joan Walsh:

Inhofe, of course, believes his state deserves those resources, even though he voted down aid to Hurricane Sandy victims. On MSNBC, Chris Jansing confronted Inhofe about his calling the Sandy aid bill a “slush fund,” and the brazen right-winger insisted the two issues shouldn’t be linked.

“Let’s look at that, that was totally different,” Inhofe told Jansing. “They were getting things — for instance that was supposed to be in New Jersey, they had things in the Virgin Islands, they were fixing roads there, they were putting roofs on houses in Washington, D.C.; everyone was getting in and exploiting the tragedy taking place. That won’t happen in Oklahoma.”

Inhofe’s answer is too dishonest to fully parse. First of all, there was Sandy damage way beyond New Jersey, including in the Caribbean and in Washington, D.C., too. And Inhofe had different objections to the Sandy bill at the time. In a rambling, hard-to-follow Senate floor speech blocking Sandy aid last December, the Oklahoma conservative objected to the bill’s timing — “There’s always a lot of theater right before Christmas time … We shouldn’t be talking about it right before Christmas” — even though it was already going on two months since the storm ravaged the East Coast.

New York Daily News:

The Sandy relief bill initially contained money for projects outside of areas damaged by Sandy, with the hope of attracting enough votes to get it through Congress.

That spending represented a small portion of the massive bill – and much of it eventually was dropped from the legislation after objections by Republicans in the House.

The Sandy relief legislation did not contain money to put roofs on homes in Washington, but there were funds to repair museum roofs damaged by the hurricane.

Oklahoma’s other waste of space senator, Tom Coburn, is demanding that there be budget cuts to offset any disaster aid. Let somebody in someone else’s state suffer.

15 thoughts on “Inhofe: Tornadoes and Hurricanes Are Different

  1. So what Republican ISN’T a hypocritical slime ball? The semi-decent ones (Lugar, Snowe) have all left the building.

  2. “everyone was getting in and exploiting the tragedy taking place”.

    Yeah, everyone! Everyone including the repugs who exploited it politically and larded it up with pet projects and wasteful spending to make Obama look bad. Inhofe played the role of the good steward to provide his cover in politically exploiting Hurricane Sandy. It’s sorta like political Munchausen syndrome.

  3. Sen. Coburns message:
    IF my state accepts any money for the people suffering over here, it’ll only accept money from making people suffer in other states over there.
    The man’s a stone-cold sociopath.
    But, at least he’s a consistent stone-cold sociopath.

    Senator “Dim” Jim Glue-huffer… whatever:
    My state had a tornado that was over a mile, and went about 20 miles, so I don’t understand how the relief money for a hurricane that traveled thousands of miles, and was hundreds of miles wide, would mean money for more than one state. I mean, the winds there rarely exceeded 100 mph, and our tornado beat that by at least a good 100 mph. So, take that, you Yankee p*ssies!
    The man is a stone-cold imbecile, and a stone-cold sociopath.
    And he has no intellectual consistency, because, quite frankly, as far as “intellect” is concerned, “there’s no there, there” for any consistency.

    And thank you Swami, for reminding people that the Republicans “larded-up” the Hurricane Sandy relief bill, to give themselves excuses for voting against it.
    More stone-cold sociopaths.

  4. I don’t recall as much incorrect information about the death toll or manner of deaths after Sandy, either. It seems no elected official in Oklahoma knew what they were talking about for the first 24 hours, so maybe they just should have shut up. I know their governor sure was saying a lot of nothing: “We just need prayers… we just need prayers.” Ah, the magic of prayer. Shelters in schools and homes are better protection than prayer.

  5. The thing about this is that Inhofe has been babbling insane things for years. This is nothing new.

    I guess there must be some people out there who thought he was just posturing, and that when push came to shove, he’d act like a non-insane person. But this is the guy who has most fiercely denied obvious evidence of climate change. He’s the one who said Obama was buying up all the ammunition. He said the gun control debate had nothing to do with the families of Newtown. He asked Hagel why the Iranian foreign ministry was in favor of his nomination.

    The real question is why the people of Oklahoma keep electing this guy who long abo must have spent too much time out in the sun and cooked his brain into mush.

    Someone could convince him that the tornado was an attack from abroad using weather war technology developed in North Korea. Then nothing would stop him from voting for aid to his home state.

  6. “The real question is why the people of Oklahoma keep electing this guy”

    Have you ever been to Oklahoma? I spent two years there when I was in the Army, some of the people there are pretty dim, almost as bad as Texas!

  7. The Repugs did such a good job of tying up aid for Hurricane Sandy that they made Gov. Chris Christe cry uncle.

  8. Hell, maybe a hurricane will strike Oklahoma before too much longer. They aren’t really supposed to strike New Jersey either, after all. It would have to get across Texas, of course, but hurricanes have been getting stronger and more resourceful thanks to global warming.

  9. OK should not get any help. The current system would get them money while allowing the OK representatives to keep their tbagger bonifides. I say this is what you voted for, this is what you get. Enjoy pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

  10. They say Oklahoma is OK, I’m thinking “not so much”.
    And I don’t think Inhoff is insane,he’s plain stupid.

  11. Bill Bush – ZOINKS!!!!!

    Sing to that tune from “Porgy and Bess:”

    ‘It’s almost Summertime,
    And our Conservatives are uneasy
    His fillings are screamin’ at him,
    And Tom Cotton is high.’

    Ok, probably not high.
    But at least if he WAS high, he’d have an excuse.

    Our Conservative claim to love America, democracy, freedom, and liberty.
    But what their ultimate state would be, would bear no resemblance to America.
    It would be more like the USSR under Stalin, China under Mao, or Cambodia under Pol Pot.
    And “democracy” would consist of Conservatives voting, and counting the votes, and there would be freedom for all Conservatives to suspend liberty for anyone who disagrees with them.

    Hey, wait a minute!
    Tom Cotton may have a point…
    If we had done this with Hitler’s Germany, the entire Bush family would still be in jail.
    And if we did the same thing with Iraq, then the entire Cheney clan would be in jail for generations.
    You know, since the likelihood is that if anyone DOES deal with Iran, it’ll be a Conservative, I say, “GO FOR IT, TOM!!!”

    I swear, almost half of this country belongs in a mental institution, drugged to the gills, cuffed to their beds, wearing straight-jackets and hockey face-masks – all to protect the attendants, and the inmates, from one another.

  12. Article III of the Constitution prohibits ‘corruption of blood’ in acts of treason. Not a long jump there to a general ban against the practice. Maybe the Rep. wants to burn family members at the stake or keep them in stocks. Difficult to be a 21st century person dealing with 17th century people. Sigh.

  13. buckyblue,
    I think you mean more like the 12th Century in Europe, where there was one predominant religion – fighting Muslims in Europe and the Middle East – and before the Magna Carta limited the total and absolute rights of Kings, Queens, and royalty.

    Conservative around the world want to take the world back to the days before The Renaissance and The Enlightenment.
    Back to a world lit only by candles, and heretics burning at the stakes.

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