15 thoughts on “Justice Ginsburg Is Pissed

  1. Here’s her “money quote:”
    “Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”

    Though, being less polite than the Justice, and far more vulgar, I’d say it’s more like, “Throwing away the condom, because it’s getting in the way of a series of real good royal fucking’s.”

    Today, for America’s racists, it’s like Christmas, Easter, and their birthday’s – all rolled-up in one!

    I suppose the only thing left for us to hope for, is that the STD’s the Conservatives get in their orgies of circle-jerks over the next few weeks, will prove to be fatal.

    Texas, Mississippi, and a whole slew of states have already pounced, getting ready to raise their voter suppression laws from the state of suspended animation the Justice Department has successfully kept them in, for almost 50 years.

    Thanks a lot there, Chief Justice Roger Tan… Ooops, I mean, John Roberts!

    Oh, and how I wish I was religious, so that I could imagine the special place in Hell where that Judas-goat, Clarence Thomas, would end up, and the agonies he’d have to endure – FOREVER!!!

  2. She makes two points that to me seem so clear that the majority must have been willfully ignoring them. First, that Roberts’ claim that the Section 4 standard is out-of-date doesn’t match with the fact that Congress held extensive hearings in 2006 when it reauthorized the act, and didn’t find the need to change it. Second, the “umbrella” point – the law is currently in use blocking discrimination on a regular basis, so it’s silly to throw it away.

    It must be hard to be a member of a Court when some of the other members have decided to just decide cases based on ideological whims. No wonder she’s angry.

  3. Tell it, Sister Ruth:

    “The Court makes no genuine attempt to engage with the massive legislative record that Congress assembled. Instead, it relies on increases in voter registration and turnout as if that were the whole story.”

    My take is the majority is in effect saying: hey you got your niggra, two terms in a row, enough is enough! It saddens me to admit that the chief is from my neck of the woods, the little town where he grew up is a nice place, some of the best beaches on Lake Michigan. Sadly with this decision and Citizens United it will forever be associated with a huge step backward for representative democracy.

  4. So in the 70s, they couldn’t get ordinary Americans to vote for them, so they had to resort to the Southern Strategy, appealing to bigotry and fear to win votes.

    But cultural and generational shifts meant that bigotry and fear just wouldn’t sell as well as it used to. So, they pushed more for simply disenfranchising voters instead.

    Just like in the good old Jim Crow days. Deja vu….

  5. Don’t watch Cup O’ Schmoe right now.
    He’s being an even bigger d*ck than usual on the SCOTUS’s evisceration of the VRA. And to Al Sharpton.

    Did you know that a far higher percentage of black people vote now, than in 1965?
    Yes, really.
    And THAT’S the point I guess that he and the Reich Wingers are going to be sticking to.
    The VRA’s and causation of this result, I guess, are mutually exclusive.
    The VRA’s and pre-clearance, had NOTHING, apparently, to do with more minorities being ABLE to even vote.

    And so, with 41 states last year looking to suppress the votes of either minorities, or young people, and that because of these attempts more of those voters showed up to cast their ballots, this, apparently if PROOF that the section of the VRA is outdated, and a Congress that couldn’t agree on whether the Earth is spherical or not, is left to try to “fix” what the SCOTUS basically said, was not a problem anymore.

    • Did you know that a far higher percentage of black people vote now, than in 1965?
      Yes, really.

      Translation: The VRA worked, so obviously we have to get rid of it.

  6. Yup!
    Our Reich Wingers say that ‘Jim Crow is dead.’

    Well, if Jim Crow is dead, then his evil half-brother, Jimmeh Crow, is still alive and kicking.

  7. Current HuffPo headline: “DOMA STRUCK DOWN.”

    Teeter-totter down, teeter-totter up…? This court is schizo, I swear. Or maybe just the CJ is. And Justice Kennedy.

  8. joan,
    I’m left wondering, are states now going to be forced to recognize all gay marriages, while at the same time, being able to suppress the gay vote?

  9. Are states now going to be forced to recognize all gay marriages, while at the same time, being able to suppress the gay vote?

    No kidding. I’m imagining Wanda Sykes asking CJ Roberts just exactly how the eff he feels about her. Marriage good; voting… not necessary!

    I guess California’s Prop 8 also got torpedoed. Crazy!

  10. Oh, I suspect Wanda would spit out about a gross of eff’s – and in only one sentence, too! 🙂
    I love her.

  11. You know, I remember a time when one of the nastiest things the Republican Party could say about the Supreme Court was that they were seizing the prerogatives of the legislature – “legislating from the bench”.

    So, I’m sure that, since they’re all honorable and principled, they’re going to be furious that the justices just said “look, we know the legislature looked at this, chose this, and voted overwhelmingly in favor of it, but we don’t think that the findings of fact they made were accurate”.


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