5 thoughts on “Girly-Men Texas Legislators Terrified of Feminine Hygiene Products

  1. Next law: “unclean” women must remain at home until their monthly punishment is over.

  2. Guns allowed, tampons taken. Now what will they plug the holes with till paramedics arrive after someone gets shot?.. The only way to stop a bad guy with a tampon is a good guy with a tampon.

  3. I’m sorry for cursing (not really), but, who the fuck thinks things like this?

    “Oh, listen, jess ‘n case them little ladies get mad at us little government Good Ol’ Conservative Boy’s for wantin’ to control their little lady part hoo-haw’s, we have to make sure they don’t fling them thingies we’re ashamed to buy for our young mistresses, along with our V*agra prescriptions, at the drug store. Ya’ll boys know what I’m talkin’ ’bout – the damn thingies they shove up their hoo-haw’s to stop the Lord’s curse on their icky parts. The same place they don’t want us placing the Lord’s video wand before they want to kill their… *sob*… cluster’s o’ sigh goats!”

    Flinging a full douchebag at the douchebags probably won’t even get their attention.

    Maybe if women filled them with cement…

    Oh wait!
    I have an idea!

    Then, we can call these Louis Gohmert wannabe’s, “FLAMING ASSHOLES!!!,” and be accurate in our description.

  4. You can’t bring in things that can be thrown at senators? Like, say, pieces of paper? You can crumple them up or fold them into paper airplanes. As usual, the Texas legislature isn’t even trying to make sense!

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