11 thoughts on “The Further Adventures of Mr. Happy

  1. From the spelling of “Centre” I wondered if that photo was taken in Canada, but a quick Google search reveals it is Westchester County, New York. Is Westchester sort of the George Plimpton of counties?

    And why isn’t Mr. Happy’s logo a p**is in a hat? Or maybe it is?! So confusing!

  2. Joan,
    What usually makes Mr. Happy’s happy, is a nice bush – so, perhaps a photo of a forsythia.

    Unless, of course, Mr. Happy leans the other way – NTTAWWT!!! – and then a p*nis in a hat, would be appropriate.

  3. Chief. The point is to keep it moving. To put up a post that will elicit comments. I could be wrong though, maybe Carlos Danger decided to get out of politics and opened up a Laundromat in Westchester.

  4. Well Dr.Ruth certainly had a good point when she used to say “Keep it clean” , glad to see that rubbed off ( no pun intended , honestly) on Mr. Happy. I noticed the sign said that Mr. Happy is open to serve 365 days a year. Nice to know if you happen to find yourself dirty on a holiday! — I wonder if they have tee shirts…I want a Mr. Happy shirt!

  5. justme,
    Mr Happy likes women in tee shirts.
    But Mr. Happy LOOOOOVES women with their tee shirts off, MORE!!!

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