16 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. So, the in is gonna grab the Alamo ? They are aiming way too low ; I’d be invading and occupying Laguna beach or even Sarasota before I’d take the friggin alamo

  2. “Remember the Alamo!!!”
    And now the UN is coming for it?

    What do they want that old wreck for?
    I don’t remember The Alamo too well, though – I was very young.
    Wasn’t that our US battleship that was sunk in Cuba’s harbor by Castro?
    And after that, the US took Smithfield pork products that were past their expiration date, and dumped them in that same bay, to piss the old Commie goat-f*cker off?

    Let me check with Dana Perino, she’s an expert on this incident.

    Enjoy the time off, maha.
    It’s well deserved.
    Keeping us ‘mahanimals’ informed and entertained, ain’t easy.
    As our grating former President, W, used to say, “It’s hard work!”

  3. I learnt Sanskrit(it was required) in 7th grade in India. Haven’t used it forever but I still remember the phrases after decades.

    • I understand Russian is related to Sanskrit.

      Everything is related to Sanskrit. I think it must be the closest surviving relative of the proto-indo-european language that is the ancestor of European and Eurasian languages.

  4. I get what bill maher was trying to say but there is not enough pot on this planet to make me stupid enough to vote GOP . I don’t care if they wrote the promise to legalize in hash oil, they still wouldn’t get my vote and you will NEVER find anyone who is more pro legalization then myself. Bill Maher could take lessons from me on this subject.

  5. Ok this is OT, but it is bugging me. “Dominionism” (and I thought I had a problem with mitwits magic underpants ..those were so tame compared to this new kinda crazy). I am not gonna go on some tangent -no need- this shit speaks for itsellf . Frist I give you Jonathan Turley ,who comments on an article written by an investigative journalist (remember those?) http://jonathanturley.org/2013/10/12/ted-cruz-dominionism-and-jesus/ and http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/10/ted-cruz-rafael-father-video-christian-tea-party. The speech mentioned in the second link (David Corn) from irving texas really is a must read! There really is not a lot of information out there about them ( wiki -eye rollz) like how many there are in this- whatever it is, how wide spread their message is accepted by other factions of “Christianity” other religions, ect.. Seems to me it’s a created religion funded by the mega rich to lure the stupid (I am sure there was a nicer way to say that) . The father, who is a’ minister” claims his son to be the messiah because God- got it minion? Even for texas this guy is terrifying.

    So I guess I am surprised that people are not talking about this much, their cause is disturbing at best and eventually their cause will wise up and at least be smart enough to lie about what they intend to do until they get into power.

  6. “Everything is related to Sanskrit. I think it must be the closest surviving relative of the proto-indo-european language that is the ancestor of European and Eurasian languages.”

    Wouldn’t that mean that Sanskrit is the original Aryan language!

    Hey, let’s tell our white supremacists that before we take them seriously as true Aryans, they’ll need to learn Sanskrit first.
    I’m not sure if Sun Tzu wrote about this in “The Art of War,” but I believe that this is a delaying tactic called, ‘Confusing the Stupid.’ 😉

    • Wouldn’t that mean that Sanskrit is the original Aryan language!

      Not the original, but closer to it than anything we’re speaking now. My understanding is that it’s like the child or grandchild of the original language, whereas English is several generations removed.

      Hey, let’s tell our white supremacists that before we take them seriously as true Aryans, they’ll need to learn Sanskrit first.

      Heh. Let ’em try. Anyway, I believe the notion that the original Aryans were northern Europeans is one of those things somebody pulled out of his ass in the 19th century, and a lot of people believed it because they wanted to believe white people were first at everything. I believe they actually originated in Eurasia, possibly Persia. The academics call ’em “Indo-Iranians” now instead of “Aryans.”

  7. I’ve read Persia, too.
    But I seem to remember reading a long time ago, that, going back even further, the real origins were either India – or, the more southern Slav areas.

    But I could easily be wrong.
    I used to have a memory like a steel-trap – now, it’s more like a spaghetti strainer.

  8. I used to have a memory like a steel-trap – now, it’s more like a spaghetti strainer.

    Sounds like the same problem that Alberto Gonzales had. And I won’t even mention St. Ronnie of the Blessed Memory. A memory like a spaghetti strainer would be blessing when your memory for recalling details turns into something like a submarine net.
    I’m having memory problems myself. I can’t be sure whether to attribute my failing to substance abuse or old age, but those memory synapses just ain’t firing like they used to.
    As a matter of fact, I have one particularly vague memory regarding Congress enacting a law for the benefit of just two people that’s been floating around in my head and creating a sensation similar to the sensation that proceeds a reluctant sneeze. I’m not sure if the memory that eludes me is the result a dream/nightmare because the details that compose the memory are so bizarre that they couldn’t possibly have basis in reality.

  9. This is a comment from Gin and Tacos, where some ‘gulag fellow often comments. It relates to the philosophical discussions of “conservatives” sometimes found here, so I shamelessly copied it for your delectation:
    Anubis Bard Says:
    October 29th, 2013 at 9:29 am
    You’re not paying attention to the long game here. At one point, conservatives were willing to use government to accomplish policies. When they’d achieved as much as they could, and were facing the possibility that progressives could start rolling things back, they focused on both discrediting the very idea of government and systematically making government less and less effective. They have every intention of turning representative democracy to rubble before they are escorted from the scene. Let the poors and the tree huggers see what they can do with that.

    It occurs to me that they are now doing the same thing to the public discourse. They’ve accomplished what they can with the mass media – and now that people start to wrinkle their brows and notice that conservative “ideology” is mostly nonsense and self-serving hypocrisy, the conservatives are going to leave the institutions of public discourse in utter discredited ruin before anyone can up and change the conversation. Having the thigh mistress laughed off the editorial page of the WSJ accomplishes nothing except to ensure that people won’t be getting or believing in facts or reasoned argument any time soon – and that suits the grifters just fine.

    I suppose I have included enough identification to make this better than a RandPaulian plagiarism. It was so difficult: Title, author, date.

  10. My parents always told me: “If you’re gonna plagiarize, plagiarize big because the social stigma of being a plagiarist is the same whether you get caught plagiarizing one line or several paragraphs”. I guess Rand Paul got the same advice from his parents, and followed it.

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