Jeb Is His Own Man, Just Like His Bro

Jeb played at being Presidential Candidate yesterday and trotted out his foreign policy team. Some of these names sound familiar. Paul Wolfowitz? John Negroponte? James Baker? (I thought I remembered reading his obituary; maybe not.) Stephen Hadley? John Hannah? Michael Chertoff? Somehow they’ve missed Douglas Feith — must have been an oversight. There is also George Shultz, whom the Bushies apparently keep preserved in formaldehyde with James Baker.

Someone at Reuters wrote that “His list of advisers suggests a willingness to listen to a variety of views.”  Charles Pierce: 

Yes, drawn from the PNAC gallery, a “variety of views” from A to A. But the real treasure is the list of folks who will be advising Jeb (!) about foreign policy, on which he gave a Really Big Speech setting out his views, which are his views, and have nothing to do with what his half-dim older brother did while screwing up the entire world, so shut up and stop talking about it, and maybe he’s adopted anyway, and…

“I love my father and my brother. I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make,” Bush said Wednesday in Chicago during the first major foreign policy speech of his prospective Republican presidential campaign. “But I am my own man.”

You can’t make this up.

21 thoughts on “Jeb Is His Own Man, Just Like His Bro

  1. Even sports team owners, General Managers, and the jocks who play the game, know that you can’t field the same exact team that lost in epic fashion for 2 years, let alone 8 years in a row!!!

    Yeah, you’re your own man, not at all like the the epic failing assclown your brother was.
    But by bringing in his old team, you’re proven that you’re not an assclown – you’re an assclone!

  2. Anyone find it striking that Jeb has the same problem as GWBush in that he finds it necessary to assert himself, just like his brother?

    “I am the decider” — GWBush
    “I am my own man” — Jeb

    A hereditary deficiency or familial problem in a matriarchal setting?

  3. When you scrounge around the bushes for Bush foreign policy retreads, don’t be surprised if you team consists of Bush-leaguers.

    How can anyone think that Jeb is serious about a run for the Presidency, when he takes on the same clowns who were responsible for “W ‘s & Dick’s Disastrous Middle East Misadventures!”?

    Plus, in Jeb’s foreign policy speech the other day, he didn’t say any of the Reich-Wing’s magic Muslim buzzwords:
    Radical Islamic terrorists.

    By not using those buzzwords, he’s losing the conservative base, who criticize President Obama for not using their magic Muslim buzzwords?!?!?!?!?!

    Imo – Jeb’s just trolling for money, and e-mail lists to sell for money.

  4. Jeb must be starring in a sequel to Raiders of the lost Tomb featuring George Shultz as the mummy. He was an old man 40 years ago. It’s beyond me to understand why Jeb didn’t incorporate Henry Kissinger into his starting line-up. Fossil diplomacy?
    Wolfowitz? That’s got to be a joke. He was the one who initially said that invading Iraq would only cost us about 10 billion dollars. He was off the mark by a couple of trillion bucks..

    Surely this Jeb thing has got to be some sort of a cosmic joke.

  5. As long at the Republican base thinks that “take them out” is a strategy for dealing with ISIL and not a slogan, this Bush should have no trouble winning their support.

  6. No rational person would hire ANY person connected to W’s foreign policy team. This is not an area of strength for the GOP: not only have they never shown any competency in the area; they leave things worse than they were.

    Nixon: ’nuff said
    Reagan: Iran/contra
    Bush 1: 1 unnecessary war
    Bush 2: 2 wars

    In contrast:

    Obama: shut down 2 Bush wars. Sure there are a handful losers with delusions of Allah-hood running around in the desert, but ISIL is less of a threat to world peace than our National Rifle Association– by a wide margin.

  7. Wait till the anti Bush machine gets cranking. There far more dirty dirt than I can bang out on this mini pad. Terry schivo, and Katherine Harris.
    He didn’t mention Richard Perle, the prince of darkness ? What up ?
    On another topic, the dock thinks my behind the eye tumor is benign. Biopsy in several weeks.

  8. Yeah, Ed.. Bush is right. What better solution than just taking them out? It makes no sense to get bogged down with the intricacies of combating an ideology when speaking their demise into existence is such a simpler solution.

  9. From what I can tell, the political strategy of the Bush campaign doesn’t square with the math of the primary campaign. A moderate republican is the pose Bush s trying to strike with voters – and that could make Bush formidable in the general election against Clinton. But Bush won’t make it thru the primaries because the GOP purged themselves of moderates many election cycles ago. The Tea Party may be divided between Huck or Rubio or whoever, but they will be united in their opposition to Bush. I expect Bush is trying to corner the sources of big money and planning to pick off opponents with media blitzes like Romney did. I don’t think he can pull it off. GOP voters are convinced that McCain and Romney failed the movement by being ‘establishment’ at heart – I expect a fire-breathing radical conservative will beat Bush in the primaries only to crash and burn miserably in the general election.

  10. erinyes…That’s a bit of good news. Did the dock give you any indication of what you are looking at in terms of getting this tumor removed or putting this episode behind you if all goes well?

  11. To add to Tom_b’s rundown on foreign policy failures, you need to add that 911 happened on Bush 2 and Repubs’ watch. They ignored warnings. Also, the times that the Repubs look back to in fondness was a country that had a public education system that made other countries jealous. And, all the Repubs want to do is to make all education too expensive for the poor and middle class and for even more profits for our corporate overseers.

  12. I go to Miami for a second opinion in 2 weeks, then decide which doctor to go with. The tumor is in what the doctors call “high value real estate” they will enter the eye orbit from the lower outside edge of my eyebrow, just above the left temple. Not a simple surgery. (That’s just the biopsy part ).currently, my wife’s favorite vegetable is broccoli. That could change.
    ( a wee bit o’ gallows humor! )

  13. erinyes,
    I think is was in “Hannah and Her Sister’s” that, when Woody Allen’s character was told he had brain cancer, he said, “My brain? That’s my second favorite organ…”

    Best wishes to you – as always!

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