13 thoughts on “Toast!

  1. JEB (!) Is now political roadkill – a wealthy skunk squished by the maniacal sociopaths in the GOP clown bus.

    Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
    JEB = Just Exit, Bush!

    JEB (.).

  2. I happened to tune in, I could only take a few seconds! The “moderator asked Trump about his statement that the community college in Oregon that had the shooting was a gun free zone? Trump went on to discuss how he thinks gun free zones are bad, he has a conceal carry, blah, blah, blah. The moderator just accepted his answer nothing about the fact that the school was not a gun free zone and in fact a student was armed but wisely decided not to act for fear of being shot by police. It seems the only people more clueless than the GOP clown car are the “debate” moderators! JEB! has always been toast, milk toast that is!

  3. I don’t think JEB! is toast yet. In the end, the money guys will want someone like JEB!

    “The moderator just accepted his answer”

    Ted Cruz (amazingly) had a cogent (and widely quoted) argument that the questions were dumb and frivolous. Trump made a similar argument in debate one against Megyn Kelly. Cruz blew it, though, by continuing with an absurd allegation that the media treat the Dem candidates with kid gloves “which candidate is most handsome”. What a poor, whiny, victimized baby you are, Cruzers! How convenient to suddenly forget that the Dem front runner just survived 4 full years and 8 subcommittees of wholly partisan attacks, long past the point after which the public would have tuned out BECAUSE the “liberal media” wouldn’t give it a rest.

  4. On Dianne Reem’s show this morning, one of the R’s on her panel of unchallenged statements complained that fact-checking the candidates was “gotcha” journalism. I suppose the fact-free zone is not wide enough.

  5. grannyeagle…You’re right about Jeb.. I’ve noticed the same thing about him. There is something artificial in his demeanor and it shows. My guess is that there must be a shred of decency lingering somewhere within his being and he’s deathly afraid that it will inadvertently surface to expose him as not being a true conservative.
    No, actually I think he knows he’s a fraud.

  6. “No, actually I think he knows he’s a fraud”

    Definitely. In what world does Jeb and the Bush crime family think he can win after Dubya’s disastrous presidency? It would be like Nixon’s brother running 8 years after his resignation, aint gonna happen.

  7. I’m disappointed to see that Rubio was hailed as a winner for knocking down Jeb’s attack on his voting record.
    Maybe I’m not seeing things in a proper light, but it seems to me that Rubio’s piss poor voting record translates into the denial of my voice and participation in our democracy. How can any Floridian be heard if the person they sent to serve and represent them is off serving their own interests. Isn’t it a basic understanding in a democratic process that a vote is a voice?
    The probability is that any vote that Rubio would make — if he considered voting an essential part of democracy — would be contrary to my wishes anyway, but it would be nice to think I’ve been afforded the opportunity participate in our theoretical democracy.

  8. The Repuglican debates and poll positioning remind me of a merry-go-round. The candidates keep going up and down while the entire process just goes around in a circle.

  9. I see some people are making a comparison of Jeb’s campaign to Terry Schiavo. Brain dead and on life support. Kinda ironic.

  10. “That is how oligarchy does justice”. Sort of like the sins of the father are visited on the sons. Or something like that.

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