3 thoughts on “Rosalynn Carter, 1927-2023

  1. I've often thought that if I lived next door to former occupants of the White House, the Carters would be my first pick. They managed to be "regular" people after Jimmy departed from public life. Everything I've read and seen suggests they were the least "stuck-up" people you'd ever hope to meet. But the accomplishments of the Carter Foundation suggest that they were sophisticated in the problems of people in the world and committed to improving the human condition. 

  2. I think the Carter's where the greatest couple to occupy the White House in my lifetime. Carter's Presidency wasn't necessarily spectacular though he had the best quality of all, honesty. The life they lived together and all the good they did after they left the white house is what makes them stand out in my mind. Rosalynn certainly championed causes on her own, but as Carter said "she was an equal partner" in his presidency and all the good work afterward. They seemed inseparable?



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