Saturday News Bits

You probably heard we had an earthquake in these here parts yesterday. It made an impressively loud roar, but it didn’t do any damage I’m aware of.

But here’s the fun part. I’m reading the epicenter was near Tewksbury, New Jersey. Guess what else is near Tewksbury, New Jersey?

Yep, the dadblamed epicenter was maybe within or very near Trump’s New Jersey golf course. COINCIDENCE???????!!! Of course, one could argue it was a very Trumpian earthquake — lots of noise, but not so much quake.

Speaking of the Bedminster golf course — Trump appears to be refusing to release anything substantive about the state of his health, including his cognitive fitness. The last thing he made public was a three paragraph statement with no details from a New Jersey osteopath named Dr. Bruce A. Aronwald. Aronwald, 64, is a member of the Bedminster golf club. Raw Story:

A November letter about Trump’s health, written by Aronwald and released by the former president’s campaign, stood in stark contrast to a White House report on Biden’s health, with the Post reporting it lacked “specifics like blood pressure and medications, the letter had just three paragraphswithout specific numbers proclaiming that Trump was in ‘excellent health’ and had ‘exceptional’ cognitive ability. It did not disclose Trump’s weight.”

An attempt by the Post to ask for more specifics was rebuffed after a visit to the doctor’s office, with the doctor explaining, “There is no need for President Trump to release another medical report in addition to the one he recently made public. The President is strong physically and sharp cognitively, and he’s in excellent health overall.”

In other words, Trump’s blood pressure and cholesterol are off the charts and his brains are held together with duct tape.

But now for something really disgusting — see what Mike Huckabee is pitching these days. IMO this is the best argument I’ve seen yet for outlawing home schooling.

Regarding Monday’s solar eclipse, this page let’s you plug in your zip code to see how much of an eclipse you’ll get. See also Greg Sargent at New Republic, Trump Is Accidentally Exposing Aileen Cannon’s Shady Pro-MAGA Game.

5 thoughts on “Saturday News Bits

  1. Trump is demanding Biden be drug-tested before a debate because Bidn'e SOTU was so strong and (Trump says) the result of cocaine. So Biden should declare (correctly) that Trump is a physical and mental wreck which voters are entitled to know. Biden will be drug-tested by an impartial medical firm and Trump will submit to an exam with the same info about his health that Biden has made public.

  2. Psychics and astrologers make a big deal about eclipses. Their effects can be felt for weeks before or after the actual event. I don't think you'll need to look very far to find people making the connection between the coming eclipse and the epicenter's location.

    The nature of an eclipse is to shine a light on things that have been hidden. I suspect the real state of Trump's health is going to be very apparent to everyone in 2024, his smoke and mirrors notwithstanding. 

  3. Margie Green is posting on Xitter about how the earthquake and the upcoming eclipse are "signs from god." I propose that all left-thinking people flood her feed Monday evening or Tuesday with claims that the Rapture happened during the eclipse… and since she's still here, that means she's one of the forsaken/damned left behind to suffer the tribulation. Anyone with me?

  4. tRUMP's life of late can best be described by a quote written for the doomed King, "Macbeth," in the great play that bears his name:

    "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

    He said this upon hearing of the death of his wife, Lady Macbeth.

    And recently, his campaign strategies come not from careful research by political analysts and RepubliKKKLAN advisors, but directly from tRUMP's feeble "brain*" & BIG MOUTH.

    Nowadays, his mouth is constantly trying to rewrite what he said the hour/day/week/month/year/decade/quarter & half century before

    *BTW:  I don't think you'd use duct tape to hold tRUMPs "brain" together.

    It would be a massive waste of duct tape.

    Would you try to hold together an Orthodox Easter egg** with duct tape?


    You'd use plain ol' clear adhesive cellophane tape.  AKA: SCOTCH tape (and how beautifully appropriate is using the term "SCOTCH tape" in relation with "The Scottish Play?!?"

    **And by comparing tRUMP's "brain" to an Orthodox Easter egg, I'm definitely giving ex-presiDUNCE MacWRATH too much credit regarding size.


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