The Descent of Rudy

It’s late, but I have to say something about the continuing downward spiral of poor Rudy Giuliani. See, for example, Rudy Giuliani is served indictment papers at his own birthday party after mocking Arizona attorney general.

Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes on Friday announced that Rudy Giuliani had been served with the notice of his indictment in connection with an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.

The announcement came less than two hours after a social media post from Giuliani taunted Mayes for failing to deliver his indictment. The notice was served to Giuliani during a celebration in Palm Beach, Florida, for his 80th birthday.

In a now-deleted post on X, Giuliani taunted Arizona authorities. “If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning; 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani posted Friday night. Accompanying the message was a photo of Giuliani smiling with six others and balloons arranged behind them.

An hour and 14 minutes later, Mayes responded to Giuliani’s post, writing, “The final defendant was served moments ago. @RudyGiuliani, nobody is above the law.”

Surprise! Happy birthday! Rudy turns 80 on May 28.

And then there’s Rudy Giuliani Basically Dubbed a Deadbeat by Bankruptcy Judge by Bess Levin at Vanity Fair.

Earlier this month, we learned that Rudy Giuliani had earned the ire of the people he owes nearly $150 million to, on account of (1) blowing through the $43,000-a-month budget he told a bankruptcy court he would stick to, (2) allegedly lying about the value of his assets, and (3) continuing to live in his $3.5 million Palm Beach condo, instead of selling it and distributing the proceeds to his creditors. And as it turns out, those creditors aren’t the only people who think the former New York City mayor is a total bum.

On Tuesday, the judge overseeing Giuliani’s bankruptcy case was left aghast by the fact that the former attorney to Donald Trump has appeared to make no effort to pay the election workers he was found liable for defaming last year and ordered to pay $148 million. “They have done nothing. They sold nothing. They settled nothing,” Rachel Strickland, an attorney representing election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, said of Giuliani’s team, accusing the ex-mayor of getting fired from his radio job on purpose. “I agree with you,” US bankruptcy judge Sean Lane replied, according to Politico. “And I am disturbed about the status of this case.” (Last week, Giuliani was suspended from his show on WABC Radio after the station said he repeatedly aired false claims about the 2020 election.) Also on Tuesday, Lane denied a request from Giuliani to lift a legal barrier that has prevented him from challenging the $148 million judgment, a move that the creditors’ lawyers say would only delay the proceedings.

He just can’t stick to a $43,000 a month budget, poor thing. Here’s another headline —From ‘America’s mayor’ to ‘America’s deadbeat’: Giuliani faces more legal problems.

The way I see it, we probably all have some regrets. But who the hell has so thoroughly screwed up his life more than Rudy?

5 thoughts on “The Descent of Rudy

  1. $43,000 a month can buy a hell of a lot of booze. Apparently Rudy hasn't hit bottom yet.  Nice 80th birthday party pix, with girls 1/4 his age (what a stupid old fool). Glad Arizona is getting tough with him.

  2. Did the Black Hole that is Rudy suck in The Donald or did the reverse happen?  Michael Cohen felt the giant sucking force and got away from them both.  It is a giant sucking sound/force not heard since Ross Perot (Younger readers will have to Bing or Google him probably).  Speaking of that giant sucking sound/force, is that working backwards and is sucking in all those aliens through Mexico?  Yes, I do live in the state that gave the highest percentage of votes for president to Ross Perot.  Ross ran as an Independent but that was before the republicans got taken over by its crazy wing.  He was a true wack-job,  but way too sane for the modern-day republican party but -imagine this- too crazy for the Republican party of his day.

    Rudy needs to understand that he has a drinking addiction at a level that is usually terminal for a person even younger than 80.  I hear those hangover infusions go for $1,500 a pop.  No wonder his 43K monthly allowance from the court is not enough.  They need to lock him up just to dry him out.  He is too far gone to even aide in his own defense.  Who knows how little is left of his pickled brain.  The guy is in serious need of some asylum and so are we.  

    We didn't realize how much we needed those guys in white coats till we lost them.  



  3. Florida's Homestead Law makes it very difficult for creditors to pry the residence defined as your primary home away. That's why OJ Simpson relocated to FL.  When Rudy can't pay the mortgage, the property can be foreclosed and the equity distributed. I guess Rudy has property in NYC and I'm not sure about the law there. Unless Rudy has real estate free and clear, cutting off the cash funds will make those assets vulnerable.

    Rudy doesn't dare declare where he has liquid assets – they will be seized.  If Rudy makes a false declaration to the court about assets, that's perjury. But failing to obey the orders of the court constitute contempt, which is a separate offense. Rudy will have to appear in AZ to be booked, I think. Can GA pick up Rudy in AZ when he has to get his mug shot?  Once the GA criminal trial starts, Rudy will be required to appear, but Rudy may think it will go away if/when Trump wins. 

    As a criminal defendant, Rudy has to appear before the court whenever he's ordered to do so. When he fails to show up, he becomes a flight risk and can be held in jail until the trial is concluded. As I see it, Rudy is in a good place to play cat-and-mouse games in the civil cases for a long time. The two state criminal cases are out of the reach of the federal government and he's seriously at risk.

    • Take a half cup of that coffee, fill the rest of it with whiskey, stir in some Kool Aid mix (orange of course); then you've made yourself a "Rudy".


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