Unhinged and Ignored, Trump Demands Attention

I watched as much of the Trump press conference as I could stand. After about half an hour I switched to the live and fact-checked updates in the New York Times. If you want to know what was said, just click on the link and read away. I’m not sure he’s said anything at all that’s entirely true. See also the highlights at TPM.

The big news, I suppose, is that Trump says he’s “agreed” to three debates, including the previously scheduled ABC debate on September 10. He didn’t say what conditions he wants. He’s probably going to want an audience and to have his mic kept on while Harris is talking, and she should not agree to that. But Trump has talked himself into a corner by insisting that Harris is “not smart” and can’t talk or answer questions without a teleprompter. The former prosecuting attorney can’t talk. Sure.

Otherwise, it was same old, same old. He’s obsessed with crowd sizes and insists he gets much bigger rally crowds that Harris. He insists the polls have him way ahead of her in swing states.

He seems confused about when Harris ran for the presidential nomination, which was in 2019. She dropped out before the voting started. He seems to think this is somehow pertinent to her status as the nominee now, and brought it up several times. He also doubled down on his fantasy that Biden was forced out of being the nominee, that it was taken away from him by some evil cabal led by Crazy Nancy Pelosi, and that Joe Biden is furious about it.

He responded to a recent remark by Joe Biden, that if Trump loses there might not be a peaceful transer of power. He insisted there was a peaceful transfer of power in 2021, and that “nobody died on January 6.” That one is getting fact checked pretty robustly in the NY Times.

Oh, and his tax cuts were the biggest in history (false) and Kamala Harris will take away your gas-powered cars and guns (false, false)

Seriously, I question whether he’s consciously lying or whether he’s just untethered to reality. But this was all about his fantasies and his grievances and his warnings that if the Harris-Walz ticket is elected America will immediately be plunged into a thousand years of darkness. We’ll be hit by Great Depression II and World War III at the same time.

5 thoughts on “Unhinged and Ignored, Trump Demands Attention

  1. I am reminded of The Duchess of  Windsor's rage at being bumped from the front page of newspapers by Marilyn Monroe.

  2. From Digby…    (digbysblog.net)

    "According to his former communications director, Stephanie Grisham it’s his normal reaction when he thinks he’s been let down by his people:

    Re: Trump’s self-announced press conference today at 2 pm: He’s panicking. I’ve seen this play many times. He thinks his team is failing him & no one can speak better/“save” his campaign/defend him but him. He hates the coverage Harris is getting & thinks only he can fix it."

    This is consistent with how Trump has been acting and tweeting. It's like there are multiple personalities – the insecure Trump is "panicking" as his electoral fortunes decline. The egotist Trump convinced his other self he can turn it around with a series of debates. In 2020, Trump lost the one debate with Biden in 2020 and refused to do another.  The tripling down on debates highlights that Trump wants an "instant fix" instead of the hard work of campaigning. (Trump is doing one event this week plus this press conference.) 

    I'm reminded of this clip and hopefully the outcome similar.


    • Good clip!  Saw that movie a long time ago when it first came out and it's one of my all time favorites.

  3. "Unhinged and Ignored, Trump Demands Attention"

    Well he got attention, all the cables ran his hour plus of lies non-stop. As usual "reporters" asked questions that were not answered. No fact checking no pushback. Again I do not understand why a "news" organization would air this garbage. They act as if he has something to say when we all know it is the same old bullshit over and over again? A Stump "news conference" is basically a brietbart comment section read aloud live in real time. It has absolutely no "news" value and only shows that the MSM wants to keep Stump viable. The bosses at msnbc, cnn want Stump in the news as much as he does. Maha you must have a cast iron stomach I can't listen to three seconds of that big bag of shit without getting nauseous.


  4. Today is the 50th anniversary of the resignation of the second most corrupt president of the United States.  Oh, what a glorious day that was.  Gerald Ford took his place.  That was in a day when the republican party had a bench, and a good reputation for competency and honesty.  

    Hidden in the pack of lies that was a made for right wing media event, not a news conference was Trump's claim his intuition was better than the judgement of the Federal Reserve.  It is not even close to Halloween yet, and just the thought of Trumps intuition having more power than the Federal Reserve's measured control does is terrifying.  The right-wing media never seem to ask why he went bankrupt so many times if his financial intuition was that good.  They are the good press lackeys Nixon never had.  Lackies that would have backed his honesty when he falsely claimed he was not a crook.  Well in comparison to Don-duh-Con that will be up to the historians.  Even military historians have trouble finding Little Big Horn a victory for Custer, but they do try to paint it the best they can.  We need to make sure that this history gets to be fairly written by the winner, not the right-wing propaganda machine.  That will be another glorious day.  



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