Night Four: The Big Finale

Consider this an open thread to comment on whatever. I am hoping to not fall asleep before the acceptance speech.

I’m reading that the DNC convention is getter much higher ratings than the RNC did. That’s a good sign. Meanwhile, Trump is bounding around the country trying to get attention. After his extremely weird “law and order” even in Howell, Michigan (see last post), he was supposed to sit for an interview with the Detroit News. But he bailed when reporters started asking tough questions. This is from The New Republic:

As Donald Trump returned to Michigan to speak about crime, he deliberately ignored the truth: Crime is down. 

Standing under a banner that read “Make America Safe Again” on Tuesday, Trump spoke about law and order and a so-called “Kamala crime wave” occurring at levels “nobody has ever seen before.” But when journalists tried to ask him about that claim, he got scared.

According to The Detroit News, the Trump team had originally agreed to sit down for an interview with their newspaper Tuesday. However, after reporters pushed the former president about spreading lies about Michigan’s crime data, “a campaign aide said the presidential candidate no longer had time for an interview after the speech.”

Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn’t show any crime wave phenomenon. In the two years since the former president left office, violent crime has continued to drop and return to pre-pandemic levels.

Poor baby. Today he was at the southern border doing something. I’m sure Fox News covered it.

More later.

4 thoughts on “Night Four: The Big Finale

  1. One of the biggest things that happened is the thing that didn't happen. The threat of mass violence by far-left activists has not materialized. There's time for them to try to disrupt tonight but there's no indication that they have the people to pull off anything that will take the attention of Harris.

    The fact that AOC testified for Harris and the move to secure a cease-fire undermined any credible claim to justify riots against the DNC, especially when Trump reportedly called Netanyahu to sabotage any peace talks before the election. (Shades of Nixon.) 

  2. I always come here to read intelligent writing, reporting, and comments. The relative lack of comments makes me think that maybe people are just exhausted after a stupendous DNC. That is so different than the Slough of Despond I was wading in.

  3. All I have to say at this point is something that I already knew from watching her first rally in Philadelphia.  But it came across unmistakably last night: She is the real deal. 

    > The phony supposedly "leading" the other party cannot compete with the real deal.

    > She compassionate and caring when it comes to decent ordinary people, yet she's deadly serious when it come to dealing with frauds, cheaters and criminals.

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