Way to Go, John!

Right now John Kerry is on “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, and he is kicking ass. I hope somebody posts a video.

7 thoughts on “Way to Go, John!

  1. The Senator was great this morning. In contrast, I just watched Senator Obama on Meet the Press and he was a total wuss like most of the rest of them. We need a lot less wuss and a lot more ass-kicking if we’re going to overcome the Republican spinmeisters and take back Washington this fall.

  2. Kerry has a way to go in order to overcome his effective neutering by the GOP political machine. When Kerry can find the strenght to get off the fence and fight with the same viciousness in which he has been attacked, then maybe people will believe he’s a person worth following. I realize he’s bound by the constraints of patriotism percieved in the public eye but Kerry has to expose and denounce Bush’s deceptions in plain english. America sees what’s going on..now we need a leader to speak it boldly.

  3. Kerry certainly did kick ass. I’ve always known that Big John was mischaracterized by the press and I’ve seen him fiesty on many occasions, but today’s interview was a thing of beauty.

    Obama surprised me too. He was way too wimpy and cautious: playing the political game. It saddened me.

    Recently, I had occasion to meet Senator Kerry and all I can say is that he’s nobody to piss off. He is way more macho in person and he’s very strong willed. He’s angry, but he’s not a hothead. He has what you would describe as a “cool burn.” This man does not budge when he feels he’s right and no matter how many times he gets knocked down, he gets right back up and keeps on fighting. He had that look in his eyes today and let me tell you: when he has that look, John Kerry means business.

    He’s my kind of leader because he never deserts the people who believe in him: never. He made a promise to several of us over drinks and we thought that, with his busy schedule, he’d forget all about it. Well, he didn’t. As soon as he got back from Iraq, he made good on that promise. He’s a man of honor, spirit and determination.

    What still bothers me about the 2004 election was that so many Dems stabbed the Senator in the back. They did it out of pure, unadulterated ambition, just like McCain did. How many Dems did you hear talk about John Kerry being wooden and having no personality? That was just so damn untrue, it wasn’t funny. I went to the rallys and saw people stand in lines for hours to shake his hand. I saw them tear up and shout when he spoke. And last December, I finally got to have that proverbial beer with John Kerry. The man is charming, gracious and very captivating. He has more charisma than 3/4 of the Senate combined.

    John Kerry is my President and he will always be my hero. He’s taught me what true heroism is about: it is about standing up for what you believe in and for the people you love no matter what. And sadly, too few people realize that is exactly what Senator Kerry is and has been doing all along.

  4. A note in response to Dynamic Dems post above……I traveled and volunteered for days for Kerry in St. Louis [2nd debate] and for several days culminating on election day I was doing volunteer work in east Cleveland.

    I certainly agree that Kerry is not wooden and has more real substance , intellect, patriotism and personality in his little finger than Bush could ever have in his whole body.

    What still bothers me about the 2004 election is that Kerry failed to acknowledge the fact of and then demand a full accounting of election irregularities in Ohio. Once it was determined that no recount would uncover votes to give Ohio to Kerry, he withdrew his substance, intellect, partriotism, and strong personality [and funds] from the on-the-ground aftermath fight to learn the truth about voting irregularities. The aftermath fight was led by third party candidates powered mostly by a keen devotion to fairness and truth.

    Having spend days in east [mostly black] Cleveland witnessing the enormous energy of those folks who had registered to vote in order to vote for Kerry, and hearing their determination as they worked out ways to get to the polls on election day, and watching them stand for hours in a cold rain waiting to get into polling places…….well, I have to say that the designed-for-Republicans system of Ohio voting irregularities stabbed these earnest folks in the back. These mostly poor folks gave their best to John Kerry, and he walked away from them when they [and much of America] needed a champion to uncover and dismantle voting frauds.

    I am sitting on my hands waiting for Democratic ‘leaders’ to speak about and do something about paper-less voting and counting machines as well as those other voting irregularities which were used in Ohio in 2004. The ‘official results’ in Ohio showed that many supposedly Kerry folks had voted for third-party candidates. I have to tell you that those I canvassed didn’t even know the names of third-party candidates! Go figure.

  5. “Once it was determined that no recount would uncover votes to give Ohio to Kerry, he withdrew his substance, intellect, partriotism, and strong personality [and funds] from the on-the-ground aftermath fight to learn the truth about voting irregularities.”

    This honestly isn’t the case, although it is the popular perception. All I can say is: give it time. There is nothing that can be done about what happened in Ohio or the voting irregularities as long as Republicans are in control of things. Let me put it this way: if the judge and jury are bought and paid for, do you really stand a chance in court? Not unless you first get rid of the judge and get a new jury. Senator Kerry is still fighting this. Remember Iran/Contra? Don’t you think he’s learned even more since then? He’s been working his ass off to elect Democrats around the country. We have to get the Republicans out or forget about election and voting reform. They can steal us blind again over and over gain but as long as they control the courts, there is no touching them.

    We lost a Senate seat in NH due to the Republican jamming of Democratic phone lines. Google that and read how tangled a web it is and how difficult it has been to bring the culprits to justice. This has been going on for years now and we are finally seeing some justice.

    If you know what Senator Kerry is really like then you must certainly know that he’s someone who operates under the radar in much of what he does. He’s not going to tell you everything he’s doing in or about Ohio, expecially if it will hamper his efforts. But trust me: there are efforts. He didn’t just cut and run. That’s not his nature.

    Anyone who cares about election reform and voting fraud should be working to get Republicans out of office at every level of government. The reason Ohio worked so well for them is that they own every level of government there. It is like a casino with fixed machines and the police paid to look the other way. It isn’t just Ohio though, the infiltration has gone on for years and it is all over the country. I won’t even vote for someone for school board if I find out they are a Republican. We need a political cleansing before we can get any valid reform, whether it be voting or economic or social.

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