Blogged Out

If I had any more blogging in me today, I’d blog about this. I don’t agree with Professor Ellis 100 percent, but I think he makes some good points.

One thought on “Blogged Out

  1. We’ll never find a the place in history for 9/11 until we find the honesty to face the reason why it happened..If American can accept the explanation that it happened because, “they’re evil and they hate our freedoms”, then 9/11 will never come to rest in our history..because it will always be spiritual event.

    A bigger tragedy than 9/11 is the exploitation and magnification of the threat that produced it. Bush’s handling of the event, whether through deliberate misdirection intended to secure greater political power or by plain lack of wisdom, has flipped our country on it’s head, causing greater damage of a permanent nature than the perpetrators could ever have hoped to accomplish. Bush empowered terrorism.

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