Bush Hides Behind China’s Skirts

Apparently China laid down the law to Kim Jong Il:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il expressed regret about his country’s nuclear test to a Chinese delegation and said Pyongyang would return to international nuclear talks if Washington backs off a campaign to financially isolate the country, a South Korean newspaper reported Friday.

“If the U.S. makes a concession to some degree, we will also make a concession to some degree, whether it be bilateral talks or six-party talks,” Kim was quoted as telling a Chinese envoy, the mass- circulation Chosun Ilbo reported, citing a diplomatic source in China.

Kim told the Chinese delegation that “he is sorry about the nuclear test,” the newspaper reported.

The delegation led by State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan met Kim on Thursday and returned to Beijing later that day _ ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s arrival in the Chinese capital Friday.

We should send China a thank-you card for pulling our ass out of the fire, I suppose. Now if Condi doesn’t blow it too badly, maybe North Korea’s Dear Leader will settle down for a spell.

Naturally, rightie bloggers are crediting our Dear Leader for the apology. This poor schmuck actually titles his blog post ” Cowboy Bush Forced Apology Out Of Kim Jong-Il, WITHOUT Bilateral Talks?”

No, dear, China forced an apology out of Kim Jong Il with bilateral talks. Bilateral talks between China and North Korea.

Please understand that it’s a relief to me that Bush is being a weenie and allowing China to take the lead in handling Kim Jung Il. I trust China more than I trust Bush not to do anything really stupid. But ultimately it’s not in China’s interest to depose Kim Jung Il or allow Korean reunification. So if we want the interests of the United States to be addressed, the United States has to be the one to bring them to the table.

But once again we see that Bush doesn’t sound so tough when the enemy might hit back. As Dan Froomkin noted yesterday, the cowboy is, um, gone.

Kim Jong Il is the only leader of a nuclear weapons state who might conceivably consider it in his interests to sell a nuclear bomb to Osama bin Laden.

So forget for a moment how we got here. Put aside partisan politics. Wouldn’t this be a good moment for the American president to draw a very distinct line in the sand?

Wouldn’t it be appropriate for him to make clear to the North Koreans that if they do any such thing, they will suffer cataclysmic consequences? Wouldn’t this be a good time for some of that famous cowboy talk?

Not this time.

Last night, ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos aggressively questioned Bush on that issue. Here are some video excerpts.

Bush seemed appropriately stern, promising that North Korea would be “held to account” for any transfer of nuclear weapons, and would suffer “grave consequence[s].”

But then he seriously undermined his own rhetoric by likening those consequences to the sanctions recently imposed against North Korea — sanctions whose implementation, not to mention effectiveness, are very much in question.

Said Bush: “I want the leader to understand, the leader of North Korea to understand that he’ll be held to account. Just like he’s being held to account now for having run a test.” …

… [C]ould it be that Bush knows he’s not prepared to do what needs to be done?

Here’s part of the transcript Froomkin provided:

Stephanopoulos: “Last week, after their first test, you went into the White House and you said that any transfer of nuclear material by North Korea would be considered a grave threat to the security of the United States. I went back and checked, you’ve used that phrase once before in your presidency about Iraq. So, are you saying then if North Korea sold nukes to Iran or al Qaeda. . . . ”

Bush: “They’d be held to account.”

Stephanopoulos: “What does that mean?”

Bush: “Well, at the time they find out, George, one of the things that’s important for these world leaders is to hear is, you know, we use means necessary to hold them to account.”

Stephanopoulos: “So if you got intelligence that they were about to have that kind of a transfer. . . . ”

Bush: “Well, if they get – if we get intelligence that they’re about to transfer a nuclear weapon, we would stop the transfer and we would deal with the ships that were taking the – or the airplane that was dealing with or taking the material to somebody.”

Stephanopoulos: “And if it happened, you’d retaliate.”

Bush: “You know, I’d just say it’s a grave consequence.”

Stephanopoulos: “And that’s about as serious as it can get.”

Bush: “Well, my point is, is that I want the leader to understand, the leader of North Korea to understand that he’ll be held to account. Just like he’s being held to account now for having run a test.”

Jeebus, what a weenie.

Just as a reminder of what a real leader sounds like, here is JFK’s address to the American people regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis. Snips:

Our policy has been one of patience and restraint, as befits a peaceful and powerful nation which leads a worldwide alliance. We have been determined not to be diverted from our central concerns by mere irritants and fanatics. But now further action is required, and it is under way; and these actions may only be the beginning. We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth; but neither will we shrink from that risk at any time it must be faced. …

… It shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.

Bush has been downright wobbly in dealing with nasty foreign people lately. You might remember the G8 Summit dinner last July in which the President was caught by an open microphone —

“See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this (expletive) and it’s over,” Bush told Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.

He told Blair he felt like telling U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who visited the gathered leaders, to get on the phone with Syrian President Bashar Assad to “make something happen.” He suggested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice might visit the region soon.

So his “solution” is for somebody else to talk to Syria. He goes running to others to fix his problems. Laura Rozen reported at the time:

… [R]ather than hold direct talks between Washington and Damascus, the Bush administration was leaning on Saudi Arabia to negotiate with Syria, with the aim of trying to drive a wedge between Damascus and Tehran, both supporters of Hezbollah. Rice also met with Lebanese Parliament speaker Nabih Berri, widely understood to be an unofficial liaison with Hezbollah. In both cases, the Bush team preferred proxies to direct conversation.

But Saudi Arabia and China have their own agendas. Why are we relying on Saudi Arabia and China to handle American foreign policy matters?

This is just weird.

See also: North Korea links.

Update: Is Bush having his Fisher King moment?

10 thoughts on “Bush Hides Behind China’s Skirts

  1. I think Bush is throwing the ball into the courts of China and Saudi because his credibility is zilch in Asia and the M.E. This may sound racist and sexist, but the reality is that those old boys in Asia and the M.E. don’t want to deal with a black chick ( Condi )Women in that part of the world don’t boss the men around (at least not in public), and “Bonkers” Bolton won’t get anywhere with his threats ( somebody get the “Queer Eye” boys to do a make over on him, PLEASE, he looks like a Dr Suess character,couldn’t get a job at Disney World with that look!)
    Now about that G-8 meeting, if Our President acts that silly without being plastered, this is very bad. His table manners, speaking ability, and intellect are not up to par with the rest of the G-8 leaders.This is embarassing.
    Hope you’re feeling better Maha.

  2. Are you seriously arguing that Bush is WRONG to do nothing? That instead of macho-posturing, he should ACTUALLY launch a thermo-nuclear war?

    Because what the hell is the alternative to either Bi-lateral or multi-lateral talks? WAR!

    And a war with Kim instantly turns much of east Asia into radioactive scrap, possibly including Japan. The last thing Bush should be criticized over is NOT doing his usual bat-shit insane “unilateral action.” He’s been told by his handlers that there’s really not much he can do, so “talk loudly and carry a small twig” is about it.

    Of course he should agree to bi-lateral talks with N. Korea, and agree to forego all the belligerent threats, but this is Bush we’re talking about. Personally, I’m happy if he goes another day WITHOUT playing tag with the nuclear football. His being a putz on this is GOOD.

    Yes, the entire crisis is his fault since he canceled Clinton’s policy back in 2001, but what isn’t his fault these days?

  3. Are you seriously arguing that Bush is WRONG to do nothing? That instead of macho-posturing, he should ACTUALLY launch a thermo-nuclear war?

    No, I explicitly said otherwise.

    Because what the hell is the alternative to either Bi-lateral or multi-lateral talks? WAR!

    Where did I say I was against talks? Learn to read.

  4. Gradually China is amassing money, industry, power and now influence. It is they who will get the credit for bringing Kim to heel.

  5. In 1950 Truman assured NKorea that we were willing to nuke them. Eisenhower was next to reassure NKorea that we were willing to nuke them, and even place warheads on the border.
    Carter took away the nuclear warheads but made it clear that he was keeping them handy.
    “We want to nuke you” has always been our message to NKorea. The only difference is we think Bush will. I suspect Kim does too.

  6. “We want to nuke you” has always been our message to NKorea. The only difference is we think Bush will. I suspect Kim does too.

    Hmm, I don’t think he will, and I suspect Kim Jong Il doesn’t think he will, either. That was the point of the post.

  7. When you’re running down my war time President, you’re walking on the fightin’ side of me…

    Who do I go to see to get my certificate?..After 5 long years of carefully studying Bush, surely I must qualify for a degree in child psychology.

  8. Swami,
    Bush? Child psychology? I’m sorry to tell everyone, but that baby was born brain-dead…

    Ooops, sorry, no peace….

    We have to rely on China and other countries to handle our “diplomacy” because he can’t! He can’t, because he’s the “DIP” in the ‘lomacy’ that’s missing…

    God, what I’d give for a Preznit who ain’t the “Scarecrow,” lookin’ for a brain…

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