Bush Blows It Again

Yesterday President Bush attended a worship service at a Protestant Church in Beijing. This was supposed to be an act of standing up to Beijing’s policies on religion, but it wasn’t. If anything, it reinforced Beijing’s position that people are free to practice religion and worship as they choose in China. I explain why on the other blog.

3 thoughts on “Bush Blows It Again

  1. Bob Costas interviewed Bush in the midst of the prime time coverage last night, and Bush mentioned going to church in a weird non-sequitur-ish way. I suspect he was told to mention it, but he didn’t offer any commentary beyond something like, “I went to church Sunday. It was okay.”

  2. Thesis: Bush is to the Chinese government as Blair was to Bush. Discuss.

    Well, the endless tail-wagging is one parallel; the returning to sniff his own vomit, another.

    Lapdogs certainly can be listless and dutiful at the same time; Bush has proved that much the last few days.

  3. Dogs don’t have any moral authority might be another parallel.

    Bush’s criticism of China’s human rights record came back as a big void in my mind.

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