5 thoughts on “Debt Panels

  1. If we were Japan, he’d be a “Living National Treasure” and revered. The truth is powerful.

    Related to robbing the poor, see Zandar today for his article on the Kansas Republican plan to lower taxes on the rich and raise them on the poor.

  2. How can anyone top that?

    Accreda – seems to me like it’s the Blackwater of health care collectors.
    Whether you flat-line or not doesn’t matter.
    It’s your bottom line that counts.

    How low can a company stoop?
    We see new lows every day…

  3. My daughter is currently working towards a degree in health care management;
    her professors are convinced that our system is impossibly broken
    Everything from education, health care, the military (industrial complex), and incarceration is now profit driven.
    I urge everyone to google “Paul Stamets TedMed 2011”, and watch the presentation.

  4. Yes, as I thought:

    Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) is calling for a full-scale investigation into the reportedly questionable debt collection practices of a company accused of harassing patients in emergency rooms into paying their bills.

    Stark requested that if the practices of Accretive Health — a company hired by hospitals to collect payments for medical care — are found to violate the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), the federal government should issue a bulletin to hospitals informing them about the illegality of the behavior and of possible enforcement actions.

    Stark said that if aggressive debt collectors are demanding payment from patients before they receive care in an emergency room, it may be a violation of EMTALA, the law that requires hospitals to provide care regardless of a patient’s ability to pay…


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