7 thoughts on “It’s T Day Minus One

  1. Best of luck, maha!

    On the plus side, my Mother and I are so poor, we don’t have to even fill out any IRS forms!

    On the negative side, my Mother and I are so poor, we don’t have to fill out any IRS forms.

  2. Ours are in, and we will get a tiny refund, which is about as good as it gets. But I think much of what my tax dollars pay for is worthwhile, so I am ok.

  3. If you lived in Canada you would have another two weeksmto procrastinate! 🙂

  4. OT – a man commits suicide at… wait for it… “The NRA 500” car race:

    One wonders if people are allowed to come armed to the NRA 500?
    And if not, why not?
    After all, it’s the NRA 500!
    If everyone’s armed at the NRA 500, then wouldn’t there be more good guys with guns to stop the bad guys with guns?

    Are they afraid some Bubba’s will want to show off their sharpshooting ability by aiming at the tires of the cars driven my competitors of their favorite driver?

    Ditto on allowing everyone to come in bearing arms, into the NRA’s HQ.
    Are people allowed to do that?
    I don’t think so – the NRA folks might be crazy, but they ain’t stupid.
    They want to sell guns – not have too many of them too close to them.

    Insanity, is now the default position for this country.

  5. If I lived in Canada, it would take me two weeks to thaw out enough to write a check to the tax man. We’re a bit spoiled in Florida, eh? (my mom and dad were Canadians!)

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