Boston Marathon Bombing

The Rupert Murdoch/tabloid press has been reporting 12 dead and a “Saudi national” in custody. As of this writing, other news sources say three dead and no one in custody.

I can’t imagine why anyone would chose the Boston Marathon as a target.

14 thoughts on “Boston Marathon Bombing

  1. Well, I see a lot of things that initially lead me to suspect it’s a homegrown terrorism. I’d bet it’s a teabagger type who got caught up and carried away in all the patriot bullshit the right wing media has been pumping into the simple minded
    Taxation without representation is tyranny .Don’t tread on me. The tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots from time to time.Obama wants to take your guns.The whole gauntlet of bullshit.

    That’s just my guess, so we’ll see who’s responsible when they get caught..But again I say it’s a Teabagger gone rouge.

  2. I can easily imagine why: it’s always held on Patriots’ Day, which is (to some) best remembered as the anniversary of the storming of the Koresh compound and of the Oklahoma City bombing.

  3. We must now wait ’til the cops catch someone, or some ideological idiot volunteers to be hated. Until then the crime’s politically meaningless, so keep calm and carry on.

  4. Calling all toasters, I didn’t realize that.It was also the income tax deadline.It was a very sick person, and I hope he’s caught quickly.

  5. What @ calling all toasters said.
    Which means it could be domestic terrorists – or foreign ones, trying to make it look like domestic terrorists. Or, just a coincidence that it was on Patriot’s day, which is a holiday in Boston.

    There are always huge crowds, and where better to set off explosive devices, than the finish of a world famous race where ten’s of thousands are running a marathon, with hundreds of thousands cheering them on, and the Red Sox Patriot’s Day game, with over 30,000 fans is finishing, and many of the fans are checking out the race before heading home?

    It’s the perfect recipe for a new ‘Boston Massacre.’

    My thoughts go out to the great folks in Boston.

  6. In the absence of pertinent information, I was thinking along the same lines as the rest of you. The lure of an updated “shot heard ’round the world”, Tax day and there were people running to remember the slain at Sandy Hook, so there was a “gun rights” angle too. Those runners probably would have come in the main group. Then there are those recent assassinations of judicial officials by white supremacists. Maybe, they mark the beginning of an era when the craziest of the crazy start to move.

    Of course, this is just the first scenario that springs to mind, given my personal set of biases and fears. Time will tell.

  7. a “Saudi national” in custody.

    Listening to CBS news after work. They had a former FBI guy on. He said very matter of factly that someone had ID’d the Saudi national to police as someone “acting suspicious”. Police asked the Saudi to come with them, as a procedural matter in a case like this, when someone gets singled out.

    The Saudi is not under arrest. He has not been charged with any crime.

    He denied involvement and is cooperative with police.

    Basically the FBI guy pretty much made it seem like the Saudi guy got sucked up by a bureaucratic procedure and isn’t anymore a suspect than anyone else.

    Really appreciated how non-sensational the FBI guy was about going over what are facts and separating facts from speculation.

    Only if the rest of the media were like him…

  8. gene,
    Law enforcement’s job is to follow the evidence, no matter where it leads.

    TV news has air-time to fill.
    Newspapers have pages to fill, and hopefully sell.

    And FOX and RW Talk Radio take “opportunities” like this to spread fear and hate – for sh*ts and giggle, and, of course, PROFIT!!!

  9. When is Michelle Bachmann going to start calling for a Congressional investigation into Obama’s cover up of the bombing?..It’s been over 12 hours and we have no arrests. What is Obama trying to hide? Do we have another Benghazi type intelligence failure?

  10. Obama is much less efficient than W:

    On September 11, 2001, within 2 hours of the first plane hitting the tower, the media was showing an almost entirely accurate panel with 21 photos of the hijackers. There were one or two “same name” mistakes, but otherwise it is still the list we use today.

  11. Oh, goody!
    President Obama in his presser, officially called this “an act of terror.”

    Now, our righties can lower their tit level, from “IN AN UPROAR!!!”, to, “Talk amongst yourselves.”

    • The righties are whining that the President didn’t use the word “terrorism.” An “act of terror” is, apparently, some entirely different critter.

  12. My first thought was who had the most to gain from this? Homegrown terror was my first thought. The nra really NEEDED the subject to change. On a regular boring news day the talk might have been about the man who shot himself to death at the NRA sponsored NASCAR event. Or about the family who released the crime scene photos of their gun downed son.

    There had to be camera’s that captured the person. It seems like they are everywhere and I can’t imagine Boston is any different from any place else.

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