A Tale of Two States

Just want to point your attention to a couple of items in the NY Times. The first, Right vs. Left in the Midwest, looks at the neighbor states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. In 2010 gubernatorial elections Wisconsin elected Scott Walker; Minnesota elected the progressive Mark Dayton of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Minnesota has been more progressive even as Wisconsin lurched right. So guess which state is enjoying economic growth and which isn’t?

The other is Two Gunshots On a Summer Night, an in-depth look at the death of a young woman that was ruled a suicide, but which probably wasn’t. The woman’s boyfriend was a deputy sheriff, and he claimed the shooting was a suicide, and his brother-cops just believed him and barely investigated. It’s a chilling thing to read, and in some ways reminds me of how the cops handled Trayvon Martin’s shooting.

5 thoughts on “A Tale of Two States

  1. And yet we now have Scooter running around the country with his new book Unintimidated claiming victory. Remember, with these guys, the proof is never in the pudding. If something good happened in the state it’s because some time, somewhere a republican held office. If it’s going bad, and under Walker it’s all been bad, it’s because some where a democrat was elected. He’s claiming he ‘reformed’ WI. If by reformed you mean turned it into the Alabama of the north, then he’s right. Only, no one wants to come and live in a frozen wasteland with no beaches, crappy schools and no job prospects. Will the last person to leave the state please turn off the lights?

  2. I’m tired.
    I’m tired of stupid people voting for stupid politicians, whining about it, and then voting in even stupider politicians.
    I’m tired of this stupid bullshit.
    The rich people have won this class war because they’ve convinced, for one reason or another, Privates to take pay-cuts, to increase the salaries of the Generals.

  3. Hm. With the greatest of respect – I believe that the Florida SYG law states that the police aren’t supposed to do much of anything when a self-defense claim is raised. That is what makes it so dangerous (IMHO).

    The police *may* have been following the law. They may have been able to push for a manslaughter charge (as one officer suggested), but I got the impression that even too-deep an investigation can violate the law.

    So, when I’m asking “do you know differently?” I mean precisely that – did I get the wrong impression about how awful the law is? I’m willing to believe the police muffed the investigation, but the impression I got was that they did their legal duty (and this may be why they were so testy about the situation – they did what they were told to do under the law, and were vilified for it).

  4. LHW – Who told you ‘the police aren’t supposed to do much of anything when a self-defense claim is raised.” I’m not buying it – but I have been wrong before. The flaw in Florida law puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to establish that it wasn’t a case of self defense. But I find it dubious that even in Florida, state law prohibits the police from aggressively gathering evidence in a homicide.

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