10 thoughts on “Jim Cramer Is Not Worried About the Inverted Yield Curve. We’re Doomed.

  1. Cramer is bullish to a fault.  I recall him at the beginning of the housing meltdown and subsequent world economic crises him saying that a few bad mortgages could not bring down the economy.  The Bear Sterns bit is telling, and par for his prophet credentials.  

    In hindsight very few astute people saw the problems coming with housing investment devices.  Cramer was not one of them.  

    What the world lacks is stability, and the US is at present is part of the problem.  I will not list all factors, but climate change and Brexit are big ones. The pin ball style leadership from the oval office gives constant worldwide anxiety with the accompanying problems in charting any future business plan or investment strategy. 

    The only thing we know for sure is that any meltdown will not be Trump's fault.  His record on this is perfect.  He wants all power and no responsibility.  This will not change.  If problems develop, which they do from time to time in a capitalist system, the problem(s) will need to be identified and fixed.  This will need to be done while Trump is busy trying to fix the blame on anyone but him.  Meanwhile Kudlow was selling optimism on the morning talk shows.  What would one expect?  He can't sell the idea that his boss is ahead of the curve and will quickly take personal responsibility and ready to chose the proper course of action to provide a fix.  Trump is one trick pony who only trick is the reality warp. All problems are problems in perception.  Kudlow was out selling  the rose colored glasses.  If that kind of problem identification and problem solving provides optimism for you I can only say I wish I could share in your optimism.  

  2. I have decided Stephen Miller is a really good argument for reincarnation.  A Nazi reincarnated as a Jew.  Irony is not dead.

    • I have no problem envisioning Stephen Miller wearing an SS uniform. I think because he exudes a certain type of arrogance where he projects himself as being the vanguard of the master race.

    • I have no problem envisioning Stephen Miller wearing an SS uniform. I think because he exudes a certain type of arrogance where he projects himself as being the vanguard of the master race.

  3. Cramer's main function, which gets him plenty of mad money, is cheer leading for the investment class. His "economic analysis" is beside the point. Over 70% of real economists think we'll enter a recession by 2021. We can hope the ride down won't be a good look for Republicans, or whatever the Party of Trump might be.

    Notice how Stephen Miller's face doesn't show expression? It's called flat affect and is a tell he's a psychopath.

  4. Kramer?  OY!!!

    If he says buy, YOU SELL, SELL, SELL!

    If he says sell, YOU BUY BUT, BUY!!

    I watched his show once in a while back then.  But since the market went down like fat guy jumping off a bridge, I've never watched him since!

    If the economy does tank and there's a recession, tRUMP will bring the whole nasty bigoted tool kit out.

    This is going to be an ugly enough election, but with tRUMP looking at losing, and with staring at possible prison time, he just might push "THE BUTTON!" I don't think this bigoted little snowflake's fragile ego can handle embarrassment, mockery, and derision.

    •  I don't think this bigoted little snowflake's fragile ego can handle embarrassment, mockery, and derision.

      The way he parades around with that tuft of corn silk on his head I don't think embarrassment is in his range of emotions. He's a bag of shit

  5. Oh, and if we DO have a recession before the election, then once again – like after 5+ years of Nixon, 12 years of Reagan and "Papa Doc" Bush, and 8 years of "Baby Doc" Bush – the people will turn to the D's to fix what the R's have torn down and f*cked 9 ways to Sunday.

    And then, after a few years of insults and  baseless schemes and accusations, the people put in another R POTUS and Congress, and then he re-f*cks anything that was fixed!


    People, put the D's in charge for a couple of decades, and we can finally start having some nice things!


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