5 thoughts on “Look What I Got!

  1. I downloaded the pdf when Doug made the offer.  It is a fascinating read.  I think that Doug's story and the what and why are engrossing.  So I ordered 3 copies of the book.  Received them yesterday and resent them to the persons I ordered them for – a retired journalism professor at American University – a almost ready to retire librarian – a 5th grade teacher.  They will have them tomorrow.


    • What happened when I was working Uber (pre-Covid) is that some of my riders wanted to talk. I have a business card with a pic on the back – the gyro on final with the Capitol Dome in the background.

      "Wait – You're the guy???"

      And they wanted to know about me, the background,, what happend after. I developed a repertoire of stories and I realized properly strung together, there is a solid dramatic arc (two actually.) But I never wanted to commercialize the flight.

      The other thing about my Uber passengers, other than being story editors, is that always, if I waited, they'd ask, "Why?" That's what I wanted to write about – my motives for making the flight.

      The *average* person trusts no one in politics and is nauseated by what they think is going on. (Usually, their awareness is pretty vague.) By talking to them, I established trust – they were willing to listen to me about politics that isn't partisan and is driven by the belief that citizens can and must fix this because everyone else is in it up to their necks. 

      I mentioned trust. People don't agree with me because they trust me but they'd listen because I put my life on the line and went to jail. 

      The book is an attempt to do on the wholesale level what worked at a retail level. Use the stories as a foil for the message – establish trust by being human (warts and all) and make the argument. After the epilogue is a Call To Action.

      Will it work? Probably not, but I did my best, and at worst, I assembled the story honestly and in its entirety. That was a bucket-list item and now that it's complete, I can return to work on my gyro which is in parts scattered all over the hangar.

  2. Truth to power.  A constant chore in a democracy.  Doug, you really do deserve a medal IMO.  I hope we have a second to that motion,


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