Lamar Johnson Is Free

I’ve written about Lamar Johnson in the past; here and here. Johnson was convicted of murder in 1995 on outrageously fabricated evidence. But even after two other men confessed to the murder Johnson couldn’t get a new hearing in Missouri. St. Louis prosecutor Kimberly Gardner had to fight with the state for the past few years before finally getting a hearing in December 2022. Today, the conviction was overturned, and Lamar Johnson was freed.

8 thoughts on “Lamar Johnson Is Free

  1. 'Bout f'in time!!!!!

    What's fair compensation for putting an innocent man in jail for over a quarter of a century?

    And then compounding that tragic error by refusing to release him when it became clear he was innocent?

    I think a nice round number like $500 million (@ $20 million per year) might begin to "show" the "Show Me" state that they shouldn't ignore people who "show you," you self-righteous "Christian" assholes, that you made a mistake!


    • Strickland will NOT be compensated.  Missouri law allows compensation only for those determined "actually innocent" after a specific DNA test.  In the last 15 years, Missouri has paid compensation to a grand total of 5 people.

      • I understand someone in the state legislature (a Democrat) introduced a bill to appropriate money for compensating Lamar Johnson, but knowing the Missouri state legislature it won't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing. He'll have to sue the state for compensation. 

  2. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner launched an investigation in collaboration with lawyers at the Midwest Innocence Project. Their investigation found misconduct by a prosecutor, falsified police reports and perjured testimony.  (aka business as usual by cops and prosecutors)

    Another example:  The St. Louis County Prosecutor who presented knowingly false testimony to a Grand Jury to absolve the Ferguson cop for his killing of Michael Brown.

  3. It seems to me we have too many barriers preventing public officials from being liable for damages, especially cases like this where the damages are extreme, and the wrongs so obvious.  For sure we all need to be extremely careful who we elect.  Yes, NY District #3.  Due diligence needs to be done before you cast your vote.

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