Write Your Own Blog!

I’m really, really busy today. If anything happens, or if anyone is struck by penetrating insight, or even non-penetrating insight, feel free to comment.

19 thoughts on “Write Your Own Blog!

  1. ” if anyone is struck by penetrating insight, or even non-penetrating insight, feel free to comment.”

    Non-penetrating insight… would that be classed as premature elucidation?

  2. NPR had a segment on this morning with plenty of soundbites from voters in the Florida district of Allen West, the GOP/Tea loon who was allegedly “willing to drive the car” after they played that clip from the movie about the thugs. It was really helpful in answering the question of how these crazy people end up getting elected.

    I’ve seldom heard such a series of nonsensical, counter-factual, self-contradictory opinions in just a few minutes of air time. Apparently, there are a LOT of people in that district living in their own private universes, wrapped up in fierce struggles against their own set of biases, facts and slights and political dynamics, none of which seem to resemble reality as we know it. Wow. THAT’S how people like West get elected.

  3. Here’s a little tidbit.. it’s for anybody who wants to ponder the concept of responsiblity and how some men prioritize their responsiblity.I’m kinda old fashioned and maybe just not with it, but I’ve always believed that a man should honor his God given responsibility to provide for him children before he goes off on a tangent demanding that other people be responsible in financial matters. As a matter of fact I think there is a scripture that speaks to what I’m trying to convey…Something about getting a log out of your own eye.

  4. Doug and buckyblue – ROTFLMAO!!!

    I just heard again, on CNN this time, for the upteenth time, how we can’t raise taxes on our nations “Job Creators.”
    I am sick to death of hearing this BS, so I thought I’d share a comment from a couple of days ago that I wrote on Steve M’s excellent site, NMMNB, about how this is starting to sound like some sort of a religious mantra.

    So, here’s what I wrote about our “Job Creators” (the economic artists formerly know as “The Rich”):

    All Hail “Job Creators!,” who we need to treasure and revere as God’s on Earth. After all, he/she IS a CREATOR!

    And so, our parents SS retirement is a small price to pay for our “Job Creators.”

    Their health is but a pittance to pay for a healthy economy for the top earning “Job Creators.”

    Our own and our childrens lives and health are the least we can offer as sacrifice so a “Job Creator” can continue to create low-paying jobs with no overtime, breaks, or benefits. Because we all need be thankful for any job, no matter how bad, boring, or dangerous. A job, is, after all – a job!

    And we should offer our children’s virginity to “Job Creators” the night before marriage, as serf’s once did for their Lords. Male, or female, depending on the “Job Creators” natural proclivities, or that nights impulse. Or, BOTH!!! Maybe throw the family dog in for dessert.

    And is not our Earth, the entire planet, not theirs to do with as they wish?
    They are, after all, “Job Creators,” and are outside the laws of man – and the laws of nature and the environment.
    For theirs is the power and the glory!

    Bend down and prostrate yourselves.
    Offer up a sacrifice to our “Job Creators!”
    Pray that the “Job Creators” continue to do well and provide jobs – at ANY cost, but at a cost to them.
    To do other than that is a sacriledge to our “Job Creators.” And the punishment for that is not excommunication, but death!
    For what will please a “Job Creator” more than the blood of an apostate?

    And so, “Let us pray… ”

    ‘Our “Job Creators,”
    Which art in Walled Mansions,
    Hallowed be thy names.
    Your fortune’s come,
    Your will be done,
    On Earth as it is in Heaven.
    Sell us this day our daily bread,
    And collect our debts,
    After charging usurious interest rates.
    And lead us not into socialism or unionization,
    But deliver us from those evils.”


    Ok, buckyblue, how about THAT one? 😉

  5. Swami — I’ve read about Walsh at a couple of blogs this morning. Years ago I had a relationship with a guy you could call a cad. He was divorced. There were times he didn’t work steadily and lived with friends. One thing that I did respect him for was that he always paid his child support. Walsh probably spouts a lot of family values crap and thinks of himself as “moral”. Well, my friend would probably not meet Walsh’s right-wing definition of moral, but he was way more moral in keeping his responsibility to support his kids.

  6. “Non-penetrating insight… would that be classed as premature elucidation?” That’s very clever, Doug, I may steal that.

    “Penetrating insight?” Sometimes I have trouble with “no brainers”.

    Swami, Your comment reminded me of something. I had some friends from Mexico who used a word to describe doing something disgraceful. (I won’t use the word here because like a lot of New World Spanish, a word you can use in polite company in one country can be offensive in another. This word is offensive in some countries.) But, the gist of the word is “acting as if you don’t have a mother” or don’t value the one you have.

    I have often thought that they had found a beautifully simple (and “kinda old fashioned”) way of summing it up. The way you act reflects on your beliefs and the way your parents brought you up. It’s one thing to wreck your own reputation but the harm always extends to those who share your beliefs and those who are close to you.

  7. “Here’s a little tidbit”

    Thanks for the link Swami. It amazes me that a guy with that much baggage would make such a big deal of himself. Once he squeaked into office he should of just kept his trap shut, but no he’s out there yapping about “leaving our kids with mountains of debt”, the hypocrisy is astounding.

  8. Congressman Joe Walsh – what a work of art!

    Not even Joe Walsh, of “The Eagles” and “Life’s Been Good To Me So Far” fame, was as irresponsible on his worst day.

    I suggest we start calling him Congressman “Welcher.”

  9. goatherd — Do you mean the word that roughly means “not raised right”? I got called that by my Cuban boyfriend in college. I talked backed to him quite a lot and was rude in being a feminist. (Heh!) He even complained to my mother that I was behaving badly.

  10. Speaking of “job creators,” they used to be called “wealth creators” not so long ago. The corp-lickers realized that that sounded kind of fat cat-ish — wealthy and such — so they glommed on to a newer stupid term. I’m surprised (not really) that “job creators” doesn’t get challenged much; I mean, who starts a business to create jobs? You start (and run) a business to make money and creating jobs is one of the prices you pay to get that money — generally, the fewer jobs you create to meet your needs the better.

  11. Well, my friends used to say “desmadre” although I can’t be sure of the spelling because I’ve never seen it written. Years ago, I asked an acquaintance (I think she was from El Salvador) and she said in her country it was very bad. I heard a latina use it on Univision way back when I had TV. Her co-host immediately took exception to it. She asked, “Es una palabra fea?” as if surprised. So, I guess it is impolite in some countries, but not in others. I didn’t want anyone to use it and offend somebody or get into trouble. But, I like the concept of the word.

    I have pretty much lost my Spanish, but I used to use it a lot. Most of my “teachers” were Mexican agricultural workers who were kind enough to invest the time. I loved their sense of humor. There was a humorous phrase used to wish someone well, “Que vaya todo a madre”. When I asked one of my friends how it came to be used in that sense, he answered (in Spanish), “Oh we just like it because it sounds dirty”. He did advise me to use “mama” in place of “madre” when I spoke with people from Mexico. (And how did the word for “scullion boy” become so bad? — Maybe because it implies being an underling? In Mexico, I would only use it around friends, but, in most other countries, I gather, it just means “lousy”. In Costa Rica, I think it just means “cheap” Go figure.)

    Did your boyfriend call you “maleducada” or do Cubans have a different word? I did live in Tampa for many years, but somehow I never found their Spanish as accessible. I sure love their food and coffee.

  12. goatherd — he called me malcriada.

    His mother was upset the first time he and I and 3 other guys went to a science fiction convention and I did not have a chaperone. My mother called his mother because I wasn’t home yet (10 p.m. and it was my first convention) and my mother surprised her by speaking a very clean Castilian Spanish (his words); every thing was then okay.

  13. ‘Gulag….
    What can I say?
    You’re kinda like the lion that roars at the begining of an MGM movie, it may not be YOUR blog, but without you, it would not be quite as fun!
    Actally, I enjoy all of the people commenting here.
    Biggerbox, I caught that NPR segment this morning. There are several Floridas like there are several Californias.
    The panhandle is called “The Redneck Riveria”; they have beautiful beaches, big military bases, and lots of country music and bible talk on the radio.
    The central north west which runs from about Steinhatchee to Tarpon Springs is mostly conservative retired white folks of modest means.
    Tampa/St.Pete/ Clearwater/ largo is a mix of conservatives and libs; when I was growing up there, it was mostly Liberals that moved there from Ohio and Michigan.
    Orlando (the I-4 corridor) is a mixed bag; lots of big money republicans in the northern counties, blue collar mostly latino in Osceola, bunches of evangelicals throughout.
    From Sarasota to Naples, it’s pretty much big money, with the exception of Charolotte county.
    The South east, rom Indian River south is either dirt poor, retired middle class, or super wealthy.
    Miami-Dade is a combination of BMW drivers, super rich, and desperation.
    My job takes me to many places in Florida, and I’ve seen horrible poverty in Miami, just several blocks from million dollar condos, and third world conditions in Belle Glade and Indian Town. On the flip side, there is Fisher Island in Miami, which you can only access by ferry,Port Royal in Naples, and the incredible estates on Jupiter Island.
    Needless to say, we have a broad political playing field, but the republicans seem to dominate ( at least among white working people). It’s that “chickens for Col. Sanders” mind set.

  14. Good summation Erinyes. I lived in Florida for thirty years and I don’t know a tenth as much about it as you probably do, reminds me of that old Hank Snow song, “I’ve Been Everywhere.” (At least I think it was Hank Snow.)

    Yes, purplegirl. I had a Cubanaza co-worker, who used “malcriado” with a soupy condescending air, implying that we were “spoiled” and banking that we wouldn’t what she meant. That was ironic, because she was kind of a princess. My Mexican friends used “mimado” if I remember correctly. I really enjoyed the time I had with those fellows, we tried to teach each other what we could. I go to several stores here that are owned by people from Central America. They are always happy to let me try to learn, but my old brain gets nervous and confused.

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