One thought on “E.J. Dionne Gets Shrill

  1. Modern Conservative belief in “State’s Rights” is there only to the extent that they think that every state should be able to separate those people who have a “right” to vote, from those for whom voting should be a ‘privilege’ – and one not that is easily achieved.

    And that’s about it, at least as far as I can see.

    Yes, E.J., the “Fascist (Corporatist – for those who are squeamish) Five” are determined to do as much damage as possible to America, for as long as they can. They are trying to make sure that corporations, as people, have even MORE rights than people-people.

    And that Roberts is one hell of an Chief Umpire!
    One who doesn’t care about the sport, it’s history, or its future – only the games that he and his crew are umpiring, and that their team is the one that wins them.

    And Roberts and the other four Nihilists, aren’t even interested in appearing to be fair or impartial.
    In the Montana case, they didn’t ask for any new briefs, schedule a hearing, or even consider any new evidence. They simply reaffirmed their fatally flawed “Citizens” decision, no questions asked.
    They didn’t bother to take the time to write about their decision – not even, “Shut up! THAT’S WHY!!!”

    The Roberts Court appears ready to adjudicate America back to “The Articles of Confederation,” or at the very least, a ‘Constitution Lite.’

    “We the people…” is SOOOOO 18th Century, and we must keep up with the times, right?
    I said, “RIGHT?!?!”

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