Republicans Live in Alternative Universe

Sen. Jon Kyl blames President Obama for not passing immigration reform under President Bush:

“I note that in his response to today’s Supreme Court ruling, President Obama called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. I also note that the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill I helped draft in 2007 was killed — in part — by then-Senator Obama,” Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ), a Republican leadership member, said in a statement.

The problem: Obama voted in favor of Bush’s 2007 immigration legislation, while Kyl joined the filibuster that quashed it.

I think the whole concept of “facts” eludes these people.

10 thoughts on “Republicans Live in Alternative Universe

  1. This is just another example of his remark ‘not being intended to be a factual statement.’

    It’s NOT a lie if enough people believe it!
    And the number of dupes, rubes, marks, to believe a lie, and the useful feckin’ idjit’s to spread it, has been on a steep incline in the past few decades.

  2. Gulag, you hit it before I saw the article! This should occasion the news talkers coming to a real confrontation with Republican mendacity, but it won’t.

  3. These things — and they happen very often — make me madder at the news media than at the GOP. I expect the GOP to lie; they shouldn’t, but past history shows they will, and often. But having done so, the news people should stress that this is a lie, which can be done simply and concisely as TPM did. And once someone has lied so blatantly, the label should follow them for weeks, months, or years, until and unless they get a long track record of telling the truth again.

    This doesn’t happen, so the liars feel free to lie, and the country suffers.

  4. I don’t know to what to attribute this all-too-common Republican practice, but it’s clear that the practice can best be described as harboring the notion that ‘facts’ only interfere with pet beliefs so checking them only leads to confusion.

    Isn’t there some sort of edict governing an ideologue’s thinking processes which says don’t-confuse-me- with-the-facts?

  5. It’s not that “facts elude these people”, it’s that facts are for little people. Money and particularly power trumphs facts.

  6. Remember; to an ideologue, hypocrisy is not a bug. Nor is it a feature. Hypocrisy is the operating system.

    And as for belief making truth; suppose you call a tail a leg. How many legs does a dog have? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.

    (BTW, that joke was attributed to the GOP’s least favorite president: Lincoln.)

  7. Anyone having doubt that Republicans live in an alternate universe, need only read this – the 2012 platforms of the Texas Republican Party:

    So MUCH crazy, it took 23 pages to get it all down on paper.

    DO read it – it would be funny if these racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and homophobic, feckin’ sociopathic idjist were still locked in Auntie May and Uncle Zeb’s attic.

  8. I saved a copy of the Texas R. platform, and for the first time used a profanity in a file title.

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