Stuff to Read While We Wait

I guess all hell will break loose tomorrow when the Supremes hand down their Obamacare ruling, but in the meantime here is some other stuff to read:

“The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal.” CNN investigates and finds the “scandal” is all right-wing hysteria. Not that the righties will stop being hysterical, of course.

Confirmation Bias.” Political reporters stick to The Narrative, even when it’s wrong.

The Supreme Court’s collateral damage.” After tomorrow, we may be living under an entirely different, anti-progressive constitution.

5 thoughts on “Stuff to Read While We Wait

  1. If they can convince Kennedy, “The”Fascist Four” might see this as an opportunity to ‘take their country back’ – not only to before the New Deal, but back to the 18th Century.

    When members of “The Federalist Society” called for originalist interpretations, I foolishly assumed that they were talking about interpretations of The Constitution – not The Articles of Confederation.

    Silly me…

    And speaking of “Originalists,” did anyone see that in his dissenting rant on the AZ “Round-up the usual Brown Suspects Act,’ Scalia went back to laws that kept freed slaves from having the freedom of movement from state to state?
    You can’t make sh*t like this up.

  2. I watched Sleepless in Seattle last in tribute to the death of Nora Ephron, one of the few writers who knew how to write fully formed adult women. And, today, I refuse to think about those scumbags on the supreme court. Lack of capitalization intended.

  3. Rachel Maddow just did the full takedown on Issa’s Fast & Furious scam/scandal fraud via the Fortune magazine report. Where are all the msm people on this issue? Just asking, because I so rarely watch them any more. I can already hear the deafening silence from Faux.

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